Available Workshops

  • “A Wall is Not the Only Boundary: A Trauma-Informed Multidimensional Framework.” Co-Presented with Anne Thompson, LPC at the Connecticut Women’s Consortium’s Trauma and Recovery Conference in 2020 and 2022.

    Description: The 8 Dimensions of Boundaries is a tool to make the invisible visible, a strategy not just for speaking but also for listening, and thereby addressing issues of hermeneutical justice. Through highlighting the overlap of boundaries’ psychological and concrete nature, the framework is a response to prescriptive actions that oftentimes harms when attempting to aid. The tool emphasizes that all individuals are part of intersecting groups, communities and institutions, thus lifting out of a lens pathologizing the individual.

    Learning/Educational Objectives: Define boundaries through a multidimensional framework that includes individual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and systems structures.

  • Describes concepts of the window of tolerance, Theory of Structural Dissociation, three-phase trauma treatment model, EMDR treatment model while utilizing case studies. Can be tailored for 60 minute, 90 minute, half and full day trainings or workshops.